Life. Fleeting, impermanent, a cascade of moments both ordinary and extraordinary. 

The brand was launched out of the devastation from the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one. Founder Sarah Jean, amidst the profound loss, recognized the profound truth: self-care, in its everyday simplicity, is a precious gift.  

There’s a shift that happens, sometimes imperceptibly, like the slow turning of the earth. A realization dawns, a poignant awareness of life’s fleeting nature. Perhaps it arrives with a stolen glance at a wrinkle etched anew, or a sunrise witnessed with a heart a little heavier. In that moment, the impermanence of it all becomes exquisitely clear.

This was the genesis of my own awakening. The once-mundane details of daily life shimmered with newfound significance. The simple act of savoring a cup of tea, the warmth of sunlight on skin, the laughter shared with loved ones – these became profound gifts, each a testament to the preciousness of time.

It’s in this embrace of ephemerality that true well-being lies. For when we recognize the fleeting nature of existence, we elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary. Each day becomes a canvas, an invitation to paint with intention and savor the exquisite brushstrokes of life itself.

Antideath isn’t just lip care. It’s a ritual of self-love, a mindful embrace of each precious day. It’s the whisper of a kiss, a promise kept, a celebration of life in all its brevity and beauty.